WP 6:
Host: Hasomed

Dr. Peter Weber
Matthias Weber
Andrea Thoms
Frank Schulze
Marc Hoffmann

Integration, IT infrastructure and telemedicine
The project partner Hasomed is responsible for the work package 6 "Integration, IT infrastructure and telemedicine." WP 6 includes the implementation of a PC-based software application PDCAT that acts as an interface between the user and his/her collected data. The software imports, saves, analyses and presents the respective data of the portable sensors. Furthermore, it provides the full range of information gathering as well as supporting the user to interpret this data. Different graphical and textual evaluations will be offered, presenting the user with summarised information of his/her daily physical condition compared to previously collected data.
In addition to the data collection, data exchange and communication with family members, friends and physicians are main aspects of the system. The application offers possibilities to share and exchange objective data, as well as subjective data with each other using a remote internet database.
The Hasomed GmbH is actively committed to the SENSE-PARK project, after a transitional phase, particularly aiming at a product for people with Parkinson’s Disease. As an organisation certified for the development, production and sale of medical hardware and software, Hasomed offers optimal prerequisites for this purpose.